Minggu, 21 April 2013

10 Langkah Cari Uang dari Internet : Adsense dg SEO Blog

Ada banyak cara untuk dapat uang dari internet, berikut adalah salah satu cara untuk dapat uang dari internet dengan cara adsense dg SEO Blog. 

Inti dari cara ini adalah penggila menulis di blog secara tidak langsung dalam jangka panjang (bisa bulanan atau tahunan ke depan) bisa mendapatkan tambahan sampingan yaitu dari adsense.Kunci bukan di cari uang dari internet tetapi hobby blogging atau ngeblog secara tidak sadar akan mendapatkan uang sampingan. Tentunya jika tahu caranya.

Adsense adalah pihak yang menyediakan kerjasama antara pemasang iklan dan penulis blog. Pemasang iklan mendepositkan sejumlah tertentu untuk iklannya dipasangkan pihak adsense dan afiliasinya. Jika iklan tersebut di klik maka sejumlah tarif tertentu dikuruangkan dari deposit tersebut. Sebaliknya penulis blog cukup memasang iklan di blognya, dengan traffic sejumlah tertentu akan ada yang mengklik iklan yang dipasang tersebut. Pemilik blog akan mendapatkan sejumlah bagian atas iklan yang diklik tersebut.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Blog dalam arti suatu blog yang dilakukan optimasi sehingga mesin pencari seperti google, yahoo dan lain sebagainya mudah untuk mampir ("ada di halaman 1") karena kata kunci yang dicari oleh pengguna internet terjaring dan dialihkan ke blog yang telah di SEO tersebut.

Berikut secara ringkas langkah untuk cari uang dari internet adsense dg SEO Blog berdasarkan pengalaman penulis :
  1. Buat Email : email bisa didaftarkan gratis ke gmail (groupnya google), yahoo, hotmail (groupnya microsoft) dan pelayanan email gratis lainnya.
  2. Tentukan Topik Blog ; Blog akan mudah dicari oelh mesin pencari jika blog mempunyai satu topik, karena kata-kata yang dicari banayk tertulis di isi tulisan blog dan banyak pihak memberikan rekomendasi untuk topik tertentu ke blog ini. Misalnya blog khusus tentang mie, maka utnuks emua pencairan tentang mie kemungkinan akan bisa tertuju ke blog ini.
  3. Kumpulkan Tulisan Sendiri Sesuai Topik Blog : Blog akan populer dan banyak trafic jika ada banyak tulisan yang satu topik sebagai isi tulisan blog. Untuk mulai bisa dari 1 - 5 tulisan, namun dengan update yang konsisten atas topik tersebut membuat blog tersebut makin populer, jika mungkin misalnya kenapa tidak blog tentang mie paling populer di Indonesia dan paling banyak trafficnya.
  4. Buat Blog : Untuk penyedia blog gratis ada banyak, namun  yang gratis dan boleh dipasang iklan yaitu blogdetik (groupnya detik) dan blogspot / blogger (groupnya google).
  5. Pasang Statistik di Blog :  Statistik berguna untuk menganalisa traffic, sumber traffic, dan keyword (kata kunci) yang sering bisa masuk / mampir ke  blog tersebut. Analisa statistik ini perlu untuk pengembangan blog lebih lanjut. Statistik yang biasanya saya pasang di blog adalah sitemeter dan statcounter. Saya pasang 2 karena untuk saling komparasi atas statistiknya.
  6. Optimasi Blog : Optimasi blog biasa nya secara otomatis pada blog detik dan blogspot. Hanya perlu ddidaftarkan link blog ke http://www.google.co.id/add_url.html dan didaftarkan sitemapnay ke https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home?hl=in.
  7. Daftar ke Penyedia Adsense : penyedia adsense cukup banyak tetapi khusus di Indonesia yang saat ini saya ikuti tetap aktif yaitu adsensecamp.com dan www.sitti.co.id. Anda cukup daftar dan pasang iklannya di blog Anda.
  8. Link dan Tingkatkan Jejaring Sosial dengan Twitter : Biasanya saya tweet link tulisan saya ke twitter, bahkan ringkasannya saya bikin timeline untuk beberapa baris.
  9. Buat Time Line (TL) Tweeter bisa cerita ke Chirpstory : Time Line untuk butir 8 tersebut saya daftarkan ke chirpstory agar bisa meluaskan pembaca. Tujuan akhir dari poin 3, 10, 8 dan 9 ini adalah untuk meningkatkan traffic yaitu hit per day. Makin tinggi hits nya maka kesempatan untuk meng-klik adsense makin tinggi seingga kemungkinan dikonversi ke pendapatan makin besar. 
  10. Berkala buat tulisan dan promosikan : makin banyak tulisan dengan topik yang sama dan selalu di-update dengan sendirinya akan meningkatkan traffic. Promosi dengan cara sering menge-tweet di twitter blog makin dikenal, tulisan memberikan pendongkrak untuk meningkatkan hits per daya.
Langkah 1 sampai 9 adalah langkah awal saja, sedangkan langkah 5 dan 10 merupakan langkah yang dilakukan secara berkala, terus menerus jika perlu tiap hari, atau setidaknya 2 hari sekali. 

Jika dalam waktu 1 tahun sudah ada 200 - 400 tulisan dengan tema yang sama misalnya mie, bisa Anda bayangkan berpa banyak pengunjung yang datang. Tentunya dari pengunjung ini akan klik iklan adsense yang konversinya dalah pendapatan.

Semoga tulisan ringkas ini berguna, selamat mencoba.


Sabtu, 20 April 2013

SEO Kunci Blog Populer dan Rangking Top untuk Jangka Panjang

SEO adalah "Search Engine Optimization" atau menempatkan tulisan di blog jadi 10 besar atau di halaman pertama. Ada 3 hal dibahas di halaman ini yaitu Jadi Halaman Pertama, Cara Akrab Google dg SEO dan Untungnya Blog dg SEO.

Jadi halaman Pertama

Tiap orang saat ini mencari apapun juga dengan cara meng-googling atau ketikan kata kunci/keyword ke mesin pencari google. Dalam waktu beberapa detik yang dicari akan diperoleh akan diperoleh. Dengan pengguna internet lebih dari 1,5 miliar dan pendudukan Indonesia yang 240 juta dengan pengguna internet yang terus meningkat hal ini merupakan peluang.

Menangguk keuntungan dan penghasilan dari internet dengan mudah dapat diperoleh apabila peluang dan kesiapan ada pada diri kita. 

Jadi halaman pertama tidak bisa untuk semua kata dan pencarian, dengan demikian kita mesti punya spesialisasi. Misalnya untuk bisnis travel ke jawa barat dan salahs atu tujuan adalah ujung genteng, maka tulisan tentang ujung genteng harus cukup banyak dan sering diupdate. 

Dengan demikian tiap pemakai internet mencari dan mengetikkan kata "ujung genteng" maka blog atau website kita bisa jadi halaman pertama dan menjadi prioritas untuk di klik pertama kali. Berikutnya untuk dikonversi untuk menjadi penjualan atau meningkatkan hits/traffic akan lebih mudah.

Cara Akrab SEO

Mudah caranya untuk bisa akrab dengan SEO yaitu dengan 5 langkah berikut :

  1. Tahu kriteria mesin pencari (search engine) seperti google, yahoo, msn dan lain sebagainya  sehingga kata kunci tertentu (contoh di atas "ujung genteng") bisa menjadi nomor satu atau halaman pertama. Secara umum penulis berbagi bahwa menjadi halaman pertama karena trafficnya meningkat dan ada link masuk dari blog/website lain yang bervariasi. Kuncinya dalam butir 2 dan 3 di bawah ini.
  2. Buat design blog dan website yang bisa akrab dengan SEO bukan tampilan bagus yang jadi prioritas. Kalau dua-duanya lebih bagus lagi. Pemogram blog/website sudah tahu bagaimana untuk design yang akrab dengan SEO dan cara mendaftarkan ke search engine utama.
  3. Blog atau website sering diupdate dan kata-kata yang mau ditampilkan (contoh di atas "ujung genteng") dibuat tulisan ebrseri yang banyak. Dengan demikian kata ujung genteng tercantum cukup banyak dalam halaman atau blog/website dimaksud.
  4. Untuk akrab dg SEO butuh waktu dan tidak dalam semalam, jika rajin diupdate dan tulisan di blog/website tersebut gemuk dan bergizi (banyak tulisan dan isinya diminati banyak pengguna inernet), makin cepat akan dikenal kalayak pengguna internet dan makin populer.
  5. Jangan mengandalkan trafik jangka pendek tetapi trafik jangka panjang dengan langkah-langkah di atas. Trafic jangka pendek seperti membeli trafic, dioptimasi melalui website lainnya, dan cara-cara lain yang dalam jangka pendek yang bukannya bisa mengembangkan trafic justru bisa menghancurkan bahkan bisa di block oleh search engine. Jadi hati-hati.
Untungnya Blog dg SEO

Blog yang sudah di optimization dengan mesin pencari utama akan mempunyai nilai jual, populer, tulisan banyak dibaca orang, banyak dikomentari dan tentunya pribadi akan mudah populer secara tidak langsung.

Branding diri atau perusahaan saat ini menjadi sangat penting baik untuk karier, bisnis atau pengembangan diri.

Untuk sisi mencari uang dari internet dengan blog dg SEO maka punya nilai jual sehingga mau minta pos pendapatan dari manapun akan lebih mudah.

Selamat mendalami terus agar blog Anda makin populer, punya rankign top dalam jangka panjang. Kuncinya menulis, menulis dan menulis tulisan yang mencaerahkan dan bermutu.


Mendapatkan uang dari Internet

Mendapatkan uang dari internet memang didambakan banyak orang. Susah-susah gampang untuk mendapatkan uang dari internet. Berikut gambaran sekilas yang penulis bagi dalam 3 bagian yaitu :
  • persiapan dan peralatan, 
  • cara mendapatkan uang dari internet dan 
  • susah dan gampangnya bisnis internet.
Persiapan dan peralatan

Mendapatkan uang dari internet memang bisa dengan modal dengkul atau pas-pasan tetapi ya harus dengan modal. Bisa saja modal itu uang, pengetahuan, kemampuan, jam terbang dan guru yang sudah terbukti. Untuk dapat uang dari internet beberapa persiapan sederhana yaitu :
  1. akses internet, ini adalah mutlak karena sesuai topiknya cara mendaatkan uang dari internet. Akses internet bisa mempunyai peralatan sendiri termasuk modem atau akses 3Gnya diantaranya : PC, laptop (notebook, netbook, tablet, handphone dll). Bisa juga akses internet dari sewa di warnet atau cafe internet.
  2. Pengetahuan, adalah dasar atau informasi tennang cara mendapatkan uang dari internet. Bisa diperoleh dari manapun ada yang gratis dan yang berbayar. Secara berkala penulis menyampaikan info ini dalam tulisan lepas dan dalam bentuk ebook.
  3. Kemampuan adalah praktek dari pengetahuan tersebut di atas. Seperti berlatih beladiri kemampuan akan meningkat dengan makin tingginya ban-nya, seperti halnya dalam cara mendapatkan uang dari internet ini.
  4. Jam Terbang, tidak ada yang bisa mengalahkan jam terbang, pengetahuan dan kemampuan yang terus ditingkatkan dalam jangka waktu yang makin lama akan memberikan kemampuan jam terbang tertentu sehingga bisa mencapai tingkatan yang lebih tinggi bahkan master dalam bisnis internet.
  5. Guru yang sudah terbukti, adalah cara yang paling cepat untuk mendapatkan ilmu dan sharing baik yang gratis dan berbayar, berikut adalah beberapa nama yang bisa Anda googling guru yang sudah memberikan bukti bahwa bisa saja mendapatkan uang dari internet diantaranya dari Indonesia : Joko Susilo, Anne Ahira,  Bob Julius Onggo, dand ari luar negeri diantaranya : Ewen Chia, Stephen Pierce, Robert G Allen dan lain sebagianya.
Langkah yang ditempuh untuk mendapatkan uang dari internet disesuaikan dengan sumber uang dari internet yang ingin diperoleh seperti sub judul di bawah.

Cara mendapatkan uang dari internet

Ada banyak cara untuk dapat uang dari internet atau pos-pos uang bisa masuk ke kantong kita, berikut adalah beberapa diantaranya :

  1. Iklan, website atau blog yang telah kita bangun dan susun yang mempunyai traffic (hit atau pengunjung  yang datang per hari) tinggi dapat dicari pemasang iklan atau mengajukan proposal ke pihak calon pemasang iklan. Untuk hits 1.000 - 10.000 hit per hari silahkan mengajukan proposal ke calon pemasang iklan.
  2. Adsense, adalah kita mendaftar ke penyedia kerjasama pemasang iklan dan pemasar (blogger/admin website) untuk menjadi anggotanya sehingga iklan yang terdaftar di penyedia dapat dipasang ke blog atau website kita. Dalam syarat dan ketentuan tertentu kita dengan mendapatkan imbalan yang bisa jadi sumber uang dari internet kita.
  3. Keanggotaan,  khusus untuk informasi yang sangat berguna dan bernilai dapat kita buat link selama waktu tertentu membayar sejumlah keanggotaan sehingga menjadi sumber pendapatan. Beberapa contoh sistem keanggotaan misalnya website yang menginformasikan cara-cara mendapat uang dari internet, riset tentang saham buruan, cara memotret, cara menanam pohon tertentu dan lain sebagainya. 
  4. Jual beli langsung,  ini disediakan langsung oleh banyak portal diseluruh dunia, kita dapat enawarkan untuk menual barang atau membeli barang dan selanjutnya menjual kembali dengan menjadi keanggotaan beberapa portal. 
  5. Refferal/afiliasi, adalah keanggotaan suatu portal yang berisi content tertentu yang apabila kita menjaring keanggotaan lainnya dan dengan syarat dan ketentuan tertentu akan mendapatkan komisi sejumlah tertentu.
Ada  banyak cara lagi bisa mendapatkan uang dari internet diantaranya buat website, buat blog, program aplikasi, hak cipta buku ebook/lagu dan lain sebagainya. Nanti kita bahas dalam tulisan lainnya.

Susah dan gampangnya bisnis internet

Secara umum bisnis di internet susah-susah gampang, namun untuk mendapatkan uang dari internet kita harus fokus pada dari mana uang itu bisa diperoleh. Dengan demikian caranya sederhana memperlebar dan mempermudah uang itu masuk. 

Beberapa strategi dan tips sederhana untuk mempermudah dapat uang dari internet diantaranya :

  1. SEO (Search Engine Optimation), dengan kata sederhananya buat sedemikian rupa blog atau website kita atau kita berafiliasi dengan website yang mudah dicari oleh mesin pencarian google, yaitu jika diketikkan kata-kata tertentu menjadi 10 besar di emsin pencarian. Ini pembahasan akan panjang dan akan dibahas dalam tulisan lainnya.
  2. Informasi padat dan terpercaya, adalah kunci dari isi blog atau website sehingga pembacaa dan pengunjung bisa membaca dan menyerap dengan cepat. Dalam masa tsunami informasi (informasi yagn banyak ini) kepadatan dan informasi yang mudah dipercaya adalah kunci blog/website kita akan makin lama makin banyak pengunjungnya sehingga mudah untuk dikonversi menjadi uang atau bisnis internet.
  3. Social Media, atau jejaring sosial perlu dilinkkan dan dipertautkan dengan isi blog dan websitenya sehingga kepopuleran website/blog dan maksud tujuan pencairan uang dari internet makin tinggi sehingga uang yang masuk ke kantong makin cepat.
  4. Selalu di-update, Blog atau website yang seering dikunjungi adalah yang selalu di-update bahkan jika mungkin tiap hari. Makin sering diupdate makin populer dan mudah untuk punyai nilai jual.
  5. Informasi/keanggotaan/pembelian yang nilainya lebih, adalah konsep dari give and take alias berilah lebih banyak dari yang dibutuhkan dan tanpa bisa dicegah Anda akan mendapatkan yang Anda cari.
Masih banyak tips dan cara yang lain yang akan dibahas dalam tulisan tersendiri. Tulisan basic di atas mudah-mudahan bisa bermanfaat.

Salam dan selamat mencari ilmu terus dan berpraktek untuk bisa mendapatkan uang dari internet.

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

Uang dari Internet untuk Mencapai Kebebasan Finansial (Financial Freedom)

Pendapatan dari banyak kantong atau multiple stream income sudah bukan rahasia lagi. Semua orang sekrang mencoba untuk mendapatkan pendapatan dari banyak sumber salah satunya uang dari internet.

Apakah mudah untuk mendapatkan  uang dari internet atau pendapatan dari internet ?

Seberapa lama dan kemampuan apa saja yang diperlukan untuk dapat uang dari internet ?

Apakah hanya kebohongan atau mitos saja dapat uang dari internet ?

Bener bisa dapat uang dari internet ?

Awalnya konsep dapat uang dari internet dimulai pribadi yang punya kemampuan keras untuk mencapai financial  freedom / kebebasan finansial . Terms financial freedom / kebebasan finansial adalah suatu kondisi satu pribadi atau keluarga telah mendapatkan pendapatan dari sedikit usaha atau tanpa usaha sama sekali yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginankan sesuai dengan gaya hidupnya. 

Bukan berarti orang tersebut tidak berusaha tetapi usaha telah dilakukan di awal, kerja keras, belajar dan semua telah dilakukan untuk 5 - 15 tahun dan untuk selanjutnya tinggal memetik hasilnya. Ternyata hanya 3% orang yang telah mencapai impian-impiannya yang selama ini justru dianggap Impossible. Dalam buku (ebook) ini selain Anda bisa memperoleh pengetahuan mari bersama-sama yang Impian yang Impossible dibuat menjadi I'm Possible.

Nah salah satu langkah atau instrumen untuk mencapai financial freedom / kebebasan finansial adalah dengan mendapatkan uang dari internet.

Ternyata beberapa pihak telah bisa atau menuju ke financial freedom / kebebasan finansial tersebut. salah satunya dengan mendapatkan uang dari internet.

Ebook berikut yang berharga sekali dan mailing list berupa informasi penting dapat Anda peroleh untuk menuju pada financial freedom / kebebasan finansial Anda masing-masing.

Langkah awal akses blog ini http://gfswithtivap.blogspot.com/

Selamat berjuang menuju financial freedom / kebebasan finansial Anda. Jadialah Winner (Pemenang) bukan Quiter (Pecundang).

Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Winning Trade : “Stock Tips” by Paul Kincaid

Stock Tips
Article by: Ryan Kelly

What I am about to share with you, is a very unusual story…


Because it’s about Paul Kincaid, an average guy who found a unique way to make $10,000 a month trading stocks.

Paul was born in Rochester, New York on September 21st 1979.

He grew up with a poor but comfortable upbringing.

Paul was born with a mild form of Asperger’s Syndrome, which gave him an intense passion for numbers and patterns

At about age 15, Paul’s passion for numbers and patterns evolved into a fascination with the stock market. It was never about the money for Paul. His intense interest in the stock market was just a manifestation of his Asperger’s syndrome.

He spent years of his life reading copious stacks of library books – all about the inner workings of the Stock Market.

…but these dusty old library books literally kept him awake at night.

But despite his intense passion for the Stock Market, it wasn’t until the age of 28 that he stumbled upon this stock market loophole.

Paul was actually working as a Janitor at the time and was living in rent control housing in New York.

His intense passion for the Stock Market didn’t translate into easy profits- far from it.

Stock Tips

But when he did become a profitable trader, the breakthrough was very sudden.

He had gone from being a Stock Market loser, gambling away money to being a consistent winner – almost overnight!

Well, one day Paul stood back and took a good hard look at his investing strategy.

He calculated his net gains and to his horror realized that he was down almost $30,000

Paul admitted to himself that it wasn’t working.

He quickly came to realize that his investing could barely be called a strategy. He’d invest in anything that piqued his interest.

Maybe a small bio-tech company was claiming they were about to cure cancer – he was there.

Maybe an Internet company was about to start generating revenues – why the heck not? He thought.

He realized he wasn’t investing at all, he was gambling.

Each of Paul’s investments had one trait. They were all on the brink of something big.

He was searching for the next Microsoft or Google –a stock that would catapult him into being a millionaire overnight.

This was the problem…

Paul was aiming to hit the ball out of the park in every investment – and was failing miserably.

So, he set out to create a new investing strategy. This new strategy was to be the fundamental different to his old one.

Instead of searching for jackpot stocks that would make him rich – he’d instead focus on making small and consistent gains.

Having washed his mind of all emotion, he no longer saw the exciting gamble of a speculative bio-tech company.

Instead, all he saw was an investment plagued with risk.

Most importantly the search was NOT for stocks about to shoot up in price.

The search was for a successful strategy which he could use like an ATM machine. He would make consistent, small withdrawals.

Paul didn’t want his investing success to be because of dumb luck.

Here’s how his thought process worked:

Do I want to make $200,000 lucking out on the next big thing?
Or do I want to make $120,000 a year using consistent, renewable investing strategy.
The answer was number 2, of course.

Stock Tips

In search for the winning strategy Paul probably read about 200 books – I’m not kidding!

Books, courses, newsletters, he had them all. His passion for investing was now a passion for learning, and this is exactly what he did.

The loophole Paul is about to teach and the loophole that has not changed his life – was NOT loophole discovered by Paul.

Complex charts and mathematical formulas that just don’t translate into easy profits.

But one of those books held the key to the kingdom. The book is now out of print, but was written by a man who is worth $100 million dollars!

What was interesting to Paul, was the guy had made ALL of this money, every single red-cent… Exploiting the stock market loophole his book was written about.

The book wasn’t a load of complex fluff and filler written by some infomercial ‘guru’. It was real, and the results were scarily real.

Now, I’m not going to reveal the name of the book.

Partly because it is out of print and even second-hand battered old copies cost in excess of $2,000. And, that’s if you can even find it!

In fact, The NY Times called this book:

Stock Tips

Like I said, this loophole was not created by Paul, but he’s exploited it to the tune of over $1,000,000 in the past 4 years.

So, he fully understands how this thing works.

In fact Paul has just recently published his investing strategy into an easy to follow guide.

Stock Tips is just 65 pages long, and only tells you what you need to know to start making money.

Now, when I first started writing this web article, my intention was simply to cover the story of a man who went from nothing to everything in less than a year. But after hearing about Paul’s recent publication I thought it would be a great idea if I asked to offer a limited amount of copies, straight from this web page.

Paul reluctantly agreed, however he did clarify a few things, he said:

“Even if you read the same book I read, the one where I found this strategy, you’d need to be an experienced investor just to follow it”

“What I’ve done is, is I’ve picked out all of the important points. There are no formulas or charts in my report, because you don’t need to know that stuff. You can read my book and within about 2 hours, start making profitable trades the same day”

Stock Tips

Because this is where it gets really interesting – I’m about to explain just how this loophole works…

Every 3-4 weeks there is a certain pattern that occurs in the US Stock Market, and it only happens to stocks listed on the NYSE and NASDAQ markets.

But when you understand this pattern you can buy shares in little-known companies at up to 80% of their true value.

Almost religiously after you’ve bought your shares, this pattern will reverse. The stock will climb higher and higher, allowing you to leisurely watch as your money doubles and triples in a matter of weeks.

After that – the hardest decision you’ll need to make is when to sell and collect your handsome profit.

Just 4 weeks ago Paul used this strategy to make,

…In a single trade.

He used this strategy to identify a ‘loophole stock’, and at $11 figured that the stock was really worth about $16 per share.

Paul didn’t buy in at $11 though – that’s the important bit!

He kept watching. Predictably the stock plummeted, from $11 to $9… $9 to $7 to $4.

The stock dipped even further to $3.50 but it didn’t bother Paul, because almost immediately the stock rocketed.

Within 3 weeks the stock was back to $14

At this point he sold his entire position.

Overall, it probably took Paul about 6 hours of work and he walked away with over $20,000 after trading costs.

This pattern doesn’t happen every day. If it did, I wouldn’t be sitting here writing this article. I’d probably be on beach somewhere in Costa Rica.

It happens only once a month, or thereabouts, and you need to spend at least an hour a week searching for these opportunities.

Don’t worry, the searching isn’t hard and Chapter 8 of Paul’s report explains the entire process. It’s something you can leisurely do on your laptop whilst watching television.


I’m not writing this article just to tell you how much money this Stock Market Loophole is making a certain group of individuals in the know.

In fact it sounds stupid but Paul told me that he’s actually become kind of bored with how easy it is. He says he doesn’t feel the same adrenaline rush anymore.

This is the reason he decided to teach his strategy. He wrote down everything someone would need to know in order to replicate his success.

Stock Tips

He called this report, simply ‘stock tips’

This report fully explains how the loophole works, and is written in such simple terms that I believe a 12 year old child could follow along.

Chapter 3 of the report goes into explicit detail about how to find these loophole stocks.

Chapter 5 will teach you how to sort the good bets from the rotten apples.

Chapter 7 includes real examples of loophole profits, where Paul made thousands of dollars and explains his thinking.

This chapter even includes screenshots of Paul, on his laptop, using the loophole to make thousands of dollars.

You get my point.

His report won’t teach you about life. It’s not going to ‘bore you with mindless drivel about personal finance and achieving your dreams.

If you want that stuff, buy “Rich Dad poor Dad” Or any of the other get rich quick books on amazon.

The report is called “Stock Tips” because Paul has something very specific to teach you.

A specific edge you can use to make money with…

…and very little start-up capital.

I bet there isn’t any other “make money” book which has step-by-step instructions. Instead they’re full of general advice.

Like Tony Robbins, he’s a good story teller – But mostly he just gets people all pent up with nowhere to go. It’s easy to listen to someone like Tony Robins as he tells you inspiration stories. But at some point you have to get your hands dirty and make things happen.

The report has been written with those things in mind.

In case you’re skeptical, you don’t have to risk a penny in testing it out. Most online brokerages allow you to use a fake money account to test your strategies.

This will allow you to watch first-hand as the pattern occurs each and every month.

And you can use this “monopoly money” to place live trades and see for yourself how easy it is.

Once you’re confident- You can invest as little or as much as you like exploiting this loophole.

Starting with just a $1000 bankroll you should be able to clear a $5,000 a month profit.

If you start with even more, like $7000 you should be able to generate a $10,000 a month income.

Ask yourself this:

Of course, that’s enough to live on and then some.

It actually takes me more time to drive to my local bank and get $300 from the ATM, than it does to make it using this stock market loophole.

Right now – I’m sure you’re sceptical as hell. But let me make you a small promise:

Give it a few days

Study the report, and I promise you one thing…

Once you learn what Paul has to teach you… Unless you somehow lose your money… it will be impossible for you to ever be ordinary again.

It would be impossible for you to not know how to make a ton of money – And it will be impossible for you to forget about what you read.

I hope you’ll give me the benefit of the doubt with my promise. If you do, please read on.

But if you can’t cast-aside your insecurities, please don’t waste anymore of your time reading any further. Unless you believe in Paul, this opportunity will be worth nothing to you.

So, let’s get down to brass tacks.

After all this fuss you’re probably thinking that this report will be really expensive.

What is taught in the report has made some of Paul’s students hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Paul doesn’t want to make a single penny selling this report to anyone who isn’t able to put valuable information to good use.

Be warned:

In fact, Paul isn’t even allowing most people to sign up.


Because the stock market is a crazy place, and occasionally people will lose money. If you trade on a continuous basis, it is 100% certain you will experience losing trades every now and again.

So, if you’re the kind of person who is not emotionally stable enough to handle a loss then you are NOT allowed to purchase Paul’s report.

On the other hand, if you have the required amount of courage pumping through your veins, and you are the kind of person who likes to take carefully calculated risks, then this is EXACTLY what you’re looking for.

Another thing to remind is, when you trade stocks, it’s impossible to lose a penny more than you’re initial investment.

Now, I already told you that for a limited time only you can purchase the full report at a HUGE discounted price of 50%, but here’s how you can find out without risking a single penny.

As soon as Paul receives your order, he will immediately contact you by email and send your ‘welcompackage’. The very next Sunday you should receive your first stock trade.

After that you’ve still got 7 ½ more weeks… to place the trade and see for yourself if it as profitable as I say it is.

If it isn’t, you can simply email Paul and happily refund your full joining fee.

Have you ever heard of anything like that before? There are just too many times in life when people are NOT willing to hold themselves accountable for their own services.

How many people have a stock broker who will guarantee he will make money… or he will refund your investment? Is there an attorney who will guarantee he wull win your case… or… he will refund your money?

Paul is thoroughly willing to make such a statement… and…more than willing to back it up.

In summary…

From what I have described above. You have an 8 week period when you may try Paul’s loophole. Within those 8 weeks, one email to support[at]stocktips.com and he will refund your joining fee (including credit card processing fees)

Furthermore, even if you decide, you’d like a refund, Paul will still let you keep his original strategy. However, you won’t receive any new updates he releases.

That way, whatever the outcome of this…

That’s everything I wanted to say, so I’m going to end this article here.

Within 30 seconds you can be downloading Paul’s report and within days you’ll be using this strategy to make consistent profits.

Stock Tips

P.S Just think, had you purchased this report just a month ago, you would be far wealthier than you are right now.

P.P.S Remember: There is absolutely no reason for you to leave this page empty handed! You can at least take advantage of this 100% Risk Free Offer… If you’re not earning a substantial income within 8 weeks, email Paul and just tell him you weren’t satisfied and your entire membership fee will be instantly returned

P.P.P.S As I’ve explained Paul offers an 8 week money back guarantee, but that’s just where it gets interesting because… After you cancel, if you wish. Paul will let you keep his book AT NO COST TO YOU.

Why would he do something silly like that?

Because he has absolute faith that you’ll make so much in gains from his report that you’ll call back and ask to re-join. That’s the best test-drive imaginable – you can keep the car, even if you decide not to buy it!

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

Take Decision, Live your own Life

Life is About Choices and the Decisions We Make

Life is like a road. There are long and short roads; smooth and rocky roads; crooked and straight paths. In our life many roads would come our way as we journey through life. There are roads that lead to a life of single blessedness, marriage, and religious vocation. There are also roads that lead to fame and fortune on one hand, or isolation and poverty on the other. There are roads to happiness as there are roads to sadness, roads towards victory and jubilation, and roads leading to defeat and disappointment. 

Just like any road, there are corners, detours, and crossroads in life. Perhaps the most perplexing road that you would encounter is a crossroad. With four roads to choose from and with limited knowledge on where they would go, which road will you take? What is the guarantee that we would choose the right one along the way? Would you take any road, or just stay where you are: in front of a crossroad? 

There are no guarantees.

You do not really know where a road will lead you until you take it. There are no guarantees. This is one of the most important things you need to realize about life. Nobody said that choosing to do the right thing all the time would always lead you to happiness. Loving someone with all your heart does not guarantee that it would be returned. Gaining fame and fortune does not guarantee happiness. Accepting a good word from an influential superior to cut your trip short up the career ladder is not always bad, especially if you are highly qualified and competent.  There are too many possible outcomes, which your really cannot control. The only thing you have power over is the decisions that you will make, and how you would act and react to different situations. 

Wrong decisions are always at hindsight.

Had you known that you were making a wrong decision, would you have gone along with it? Perhaps not, why would you choose a certain path when you know it would get you lost? Why make a certain decision if you knew from the very beginning that it is not the right one. It is only after you have made a decision and reflected on it that you realize its soundness. If the consequences or outcomes are good for you, then you have decided correctly. Otherwise, your decision was wrong. 

Take the risk: decide.

Since life offers no guarantee and you would never know that your decision would be wrong until you have made it, then you might as well take the risk and decide. It is definitely better than keeping yourself in limbo. Although it is true that one wrong turn could get you lost, it could also be that such a turn could be an opportunity for an adventure, moreover open more roads. It is all a matter of perspective. You have the choice between being a lost traveller or an accidental tourist of life.  But take caution that you do not make decisions haphazardly. Taking risks is not about being careless and stupid. Here are some pointers that could help you choose the best option in the face of life’s crossroads:

· Get as many information as you can about your situation.

You cannot find the confidence to decide when you know so little about what you are faced with. Just like any news reporter, ask the 5 W’s: what, who, when, where, and why. What is the situation? Who are the people involved? When did this happen? Where is this leading? Why are you in this situation? These are just some of the possible questions to ask to know more about your situation. This is important. Oftentimes, the reason for indecision is the lack of information about a situation. 

· Identify and create options.

What options do the situation give you? Sometimes the options are few, but sometimes they are numerous. But what do you do when you think that the situation offers no options? This is the time that you create your own. Make your creative mind work. From the most simplistic to the most complicated, entertain all ideas. Do not shoot anything down when an idea comes to your head. Sometimes the most outrageous idea could prove to be the right one in the end. You can ask a friend to help you identify options and even make more options if you encounter some difficulty, but make sure that you make the decision yourself in the end.

· Weigh the pros and cons of every option.

Assess each option by looking at the advantages and disadvantages it offers you. In this way, you get more insights about the consequences of such an option.

· Trust yourself and make that decision.

Now that you have assessed your options, it is now time to trust yourself. Remember that there are no guarantees and wrong decisions are always at hindsight.  So choose… decide… believe that you are choosing the best option at this point in time.

Now that you have made a decision, be ready to face its consequences: good and bad. It may take you to a place of promise or to a land of problems. But the important thing is that you have chosen to live your life instead of remaining a bystander or a passive audience to your own life. Whether it is the right decision or not, only time can tell. But do not regret it whatever the outcome. Instead, learn from it and remember that you always have the chance to make better decisions in the future.

Setting Your Goals - Easier Said, Easily Done

The basics of setting a goal is an open secret known by top-caliber athletes, successful businessmen and businesswomen and all types of achievers in all the different fields. The basics of setting goals give you short-term and long-term motivation and focus. They help you set focus on the acquisition of required knowledge and help you to plan and organize your resources and your time so that you can get the best out of your life.

Setting clearly defined short term and long term goals will enable you to measure your progress and achieve personal satisfaction once you have successfully met your goals. Charting your progress will also enable you to actually see the stages of completion leading to the actual realization of your goals. This eliminates the feeling of a long and pointless grind towards achieving your goal. Your self-confidence and level of competence will also improve as you will be more aware of your capabilities as you complete or achieve your goals.

The basics of goal settings will involve deciding what you really want to do with your personal life and what short term and long term goals you need to achieve it. Then you have to break down goals into the smaller and manageable targets that you must complete in your way to achieving your lifetime targets. Once you have your list waste no time in tackling your goals.

A good way to have a manageable list is to have a daily and weekly set of goals. By doing this you will be always in the position of going towards you life plan goals. Everyday will give you the opportunity to fulfill a certain goal giving you the feeling of accomplishment.

Here are some pointers that should be taken into consideration in setting goals and achieving them.

Attitude plays a very big role in setting and achieving your goals. You must ask yourself  if any part of you or your mind holding you back towards completing your simplest goals? If there are any part of your behavior that is being a hindrance or puts your plans into disarray? If you do have problems in these areas then the immediate thing to do is to address this problem. Solutions may include a visit to a doctor or psychiatrist to control your emotions.

Careers are made by good time management practice. Failing in a career is often attributed to bad time management. Careers require a lot from an individual which often makes the career the life of the individual. Plan how far do you want to go into your career.

Education is key in achieving your goals. If your goals require you to have a certain kind of degree or require a certain specialization or demand a certain skill to be developed, make plans in getting the appropriate education.

Your family should never be left out of your plans. If you are just starting out then you have to decide if you want to be a parent or when you want to be a parent. You also have to know if you really would be a good parent and how well would you relate to extended family members

Personal financial situations also play a major role in achieving your goals. Have a realistic goal on how much you really want to earn. You also must be able to create plans or stages by which you will be able to reach your earning potential.

Physically gifted individuals may be able to achieve sports related goals like being in the National Basketball association or National Football League. Determining your physical capabilities should be one of your priorities. Physical limitations could however be conquered with proper planning.

As the saying goes -'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy', or something to that effect, is by all means true down to the last the letter. Giving yourself a little pleasure: should be included into your plans.

To start achieving your lifetime goals, set a quarter of a century plan, then break it down to 5 year plans then break it down again to 1 year plans, then 6 month plans then monthly plans, then weekly, then daily.

Then create a things-to-do list for the day. 

Always review your plans and prepare for contingencies.

The basics of goal settings should not be so difficult once you get to be familiar with them.

Unlock Your self Improvement Power

When we look at a certain object, a painting for example – we won’t be able to appreciate what’s in it, what is painted and what else goes with it  if the painting is just an inch away from our face. But if we try to take it a little further, we’ll have a clearer vision of the whole art work.

We reach a point in our life when we are ready for change and a whole bunch of information that will help us unlock our self improvement power. Until then, something can be staring us right under our nose but we don’t see it.  The only time we think of unlocking our self improvement power is when everything got worst. Take the frog principle for example – 

Try placing Frog A in a pot of boiling water. What happens? He twerps! He jumps off! Why? Because he is not able to tolerate sudden change in his environment – the water’s temperature. Then try Frog B: place him in a luke warm water, then turn the gas stove on. Wait til the water reaches a certain boiling point. Frog B then thinks “Ooh… it’s a bit warm in here”.

People are like Frog B in general. Today, Anna thinks Carl hates her. Tomorrow, Patrick walks up to her and told her he hates her. Anna stays the same and doesn’t mind her what her friends says. The next day, she learned that Kim and John also abhors her. Anna doesn’t realize at once the importance and the need for self improvement until the entire community hates her. 

We learn our lessons when we experience pain. We finally see the warning signs and signals when things get rough and tough. When do we realize that we need to change diets? When none of our jeans and shirts would fit us. When do we stop eating candies and chocolates? When all of our teeth has fallen off. When do we realize that we need to stop smoking? When our lungs have gone bad. When do we pray and ask for help? When we realize that we’re gonna die tomorrow.

The only time most of us ever learn about unlocking our self improvement power is when the whole world is crashing and falling apart. We think and feel this way because it is not easy to change. But change becomes more painful when we ignore it.

Change will happen, like it or hate it. At one point or another, we are all going to experience different turning points in our life – and we are all going to eventually unlock our self improvement power not because the world says so, not because our friends are nagging us, but because we realized its for our own good.

Happy people don’t just accept change, they embrace it. Now, you don’t have to feel a tremendous heat before realizing the need for self improvement.  Unlocking your self improvement power means unlocking yourself up in the cage of thought that “its just the way I am”. It is such a poor excuse for people who fear and resist change. Most of us program our minds like computers. 

Jen repeatedly tells everyone that she doesn’t have the guts to be around groups of people. She heard her mom, her dad, her sister, her teacher tell the same things about her to other people. Over the years, that is what Jen believes. She believes its her story. And what happens? Every time a great crowd would troop over their house, in school, and in the community – she tends to step back, shy away and lock herself up in a room. Jen didn’t only believed in her story, she lived it. 

Jen has to realize that she is not what she is in her story. Instead of having her story post around her face for everyone to remember, she has to have the spirit and show people “I am an important person and I should be treated accordingly!”

Self improvement may not be everybody’s favorite word, but if we look at things in a different point of view, we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully improved. Three sessions in a week at the gym would result to a healthier life, reading books instead of looking at porns will shape up a more profound knowledge, going out with friends and peers will help you take a step back from work and unwind.  And just when you are enjoying the whole process of unlocking your self improvement power, you’ll realize that you’re beginning to take things light and become happy.

Why Is It Important To Improve Yourself ?

Sometimes, when all our doubts, fears and insecurities wrap ourselves up, we always come up with the idea of “I wish I was somebody else.”  More often than not, we think and believe that someone or rather, most people are better than us.- when in reality, the fact is, most people are more scared than us.

You spot a totally eye-catching girl sitting by herself at a party, casually sipping on a glass of Asti Spumanti. You think to yourself, “she looks so perfectly calm and confident.” But if you could read thru her transparent mind, you would see a bunch of clouds of thoughts and you might just be amazed that she’s thinking “are people talking about why I am seated here alone?... Why don’t guys find me attractive? …I don’t like my ankles, they look too skinny… I wish I was as intelligent as my best friend.”

We look at a young business entrepreneur and say “Wooh… what else could he ask for?” He stares at himself at the mirror and murmur to himself, “I hate my big eyes… I wonder why my friends won’t talk to me… I hope mom and dad would still work things out.” 

Isn’t it funny? We look at other people, envy them for looking so outrageously perfect and wish we could trade places with them, while they look at us and thinks of the same thing. We are insecure of other people who themselves are insecure of us. We suffer from low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and lose hope in self improvement because we are enveloped in quiet desperation.

Sometimes, you notice that you have an irritating habit like biting off your finger nails, having a foul mouth, and you – of all people, is the last to know.

I have a friend who never gets tired of talking. And in most conversations, she is the only one who seems to be interested in the things she has to say. So all of our other friends tend to avoid the circles whenever she’s  around, and she doesn’t notices how badly she became socially handicapped – gradually affecting the people in her environment.

One key to self improvement is to LISTEN and TALK to a trusted friend. Find someone who you find comfort in opening up with even the most gentle topics you want to discuss. Ask questions like “do you think I am ill-mannered?”,  “Do I always sound so argumentative?”,  “Do I talk too loud?”,  “Does my breath smell?”,  “Do I ever bore you when were together?”.  In this way, the other person will obviously know that you are interested in the process of self improvement. Lend her your ears for comments and criticisms and don’t give her answers like “Don’t exaggerate! That’s just the way I am!”  Open up your mind and heart as well. And in return, you may want to help your friend with constructive criticism that will also help her improve her self.

One of Whitney Houston’s songs says “Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.” True enough. In order to love others, you must love yourself too. Remember, you cannot give what you do not have.

Before telling other people some ways on how to improve themselves, let them see that you yourself is a representation and a product of self improvement. Self improvement makes us better people, we then inspire other people, and then the rest of the world will follow.

Stop thinking of yourselves as second-rate beings. Forget the repetitive thought of “If only I was richer… if only I was thinner” and so on.  Accepting your true self is the first step to self improvement. We need to stop comparing ourselves to others only to find out at the end that we’ve got  10 more reasons to envy them.

We all have our insecurities. Nobody is perfect. We always wish we had better things, better features, better body parts, etc. But life need not to be perfect for people to be happy about themselves.Self improvement and loving yourself is not a matter of shouting to the whole world that you are perfect and you are the best. It’s the virtue of acceptance and contentment. When we begin to improve ourselves, we then begin to feel contented and happy.

Review of Master Your Mind (Adam Khoo)

Do you ever wish you had more time, money, or other resources? If only you had all those things, you believe, you could make all your dreams come true. Alas, you don’t, and so, year after year, your dreams stay just that: dreams.

But it doesn’t have to be like that. In his book, Master Your Mind, Adam Khoo argues that all those perceived limitations are just illusions. The fact is, he writes, we all have everything we need to be successful. We just need to learn how to put it to use. And in this book, he teaches exactly how it’s done.

He starts with the premise that we all have basically the same neurological make-up. We all have roughly the same 1,000 billion neurons in our brains. It’s what we make of them that makes the difference.

So how is it that some people are able to accomplish so much with their 1,000 billion nerve cells, and others accomplish zilch? Adam argues that the key to those differences lies in the behaviors and habits that get installed while we grow up. The majority of people are not exactly brought up with a winning mindset. And unfortunately, most of those people never question what they do and never change their habits. It probably never occurs to them that they could. But of course we CAN change habits, behaviors and beliefs by stimulating our brains in the right way and creating new mental patterns.

The technology Adam uses to reprogram the mind is NLP, i.e., Neurolinguistic Programming, which has proven to be highly effective at that task. And after carefully reading it, I found that Master Your Mind is not just another book on NLP, useful as that may be, but it actually goes far beyond that.

First of all, Adam’s Master Your Mind offers a comprehensive, thorough, and easy-to-follow description of the actual techniques that are necessary to accomplish that goal. But it doesn’t stop there. It’s also an extensive workbook that helps the reader to put all those techniques to use right away. Thirdly, it offers a wealth of inspiring examples.

Adam Khoo himself is a case in point. Starting out as an academically weak student at the very bottom of the pile, he used some of those very strategies he teaches here to reprogram himself and turn himself into a top student. Moreover, unlike his fellow students who were satisfied with a normal career path and income come graduation, he set himself the goal to become a millionaire by age 26 – and achieved it. 

He started his first business while still in high school, and several more while in college, and he even became a best-selling author with his book on how to become an excellent student. He developed a program called Patterns of Excellence that he used to teach others to repattern their mind to achieve success as well.

So Adam is quite an inspiration indeed. And he provides us with many more inspirational examples throughout the book, from Sylvester Stallone to Richard Branson. 

From the outset, Adam urges us to have the right mindset: And one of the key parts of that mindset is planning for success by setting specific goals, developing strategies to achieve those goals, and putting them into action.

Of course, if you do enough challenging things, some of them will not work out as planned, which is something most people call “failure” and try to avoid at all cost. Adam, however, argues that there’s no such thing really. What may seem like failure is just feedback, and that attitude is essential for achieving any goal because paying attention to feedback helps us stay or get back on the right track and accomplish our goals.

He also introduces two more essential ingredients: an empowering belief system, and the right kinds of values. He doesn’t leave it at that, but provides plenty of specifics and work sheets that help his readers to establish those for themselves.

Next, Adam takes away our excuses! He urges us to stop playing the victim. Instead, he shows that taking absolute responsibility for everything that happens in your life is the key to self-empowerment. Which, by the way, does NOT mean blaming yourself. Far from it. Instead, it means that when something doesn’t go according to plan, you ask yourself what YOU can do to turn things around. Whether it’s customers that won’t buy or colleagues that are uncooperative, reclaim your power to change things. And the only person whose actions you really have control over is you.

And so, this is what it means that you can only change what you take responsibility for. If you believe something is out of your control, how could you possibly do something about it? 

Adam takes it even further: not only does he challenge his readers to take responsibility for their results, but also for how they feel. This book is not for whiners but for people who are prepared to do serious work on themselves.

And in keeping with that, each chapter features exercises and action questions that guide the reader through that work that will, as the book promises, help them master their mind.

Among the key aspects of Adam’s mind mastery program are beliefs and how to take control of them and turn them into the kind that will get results. He calls them the “tap to our personal potential” and provides evidence that they can even change our biochemistry.

Once again, that section is followed by an extensive workbook section where you can track down any limiting beliefs and change them into empowering ones.

And that’s just for starters. Adam goes on to provide detailed instructions on how to achieve key performance by gaining control of your emotional states. There’s a long section on successful modeling, one of the key concepts of NLP and a key tool for achieving success.

Next, a detailed chapter on how to manage your brain, with how to take control of all the aspects of your perception and imagination, by manipulating its submodalities, along with instructions on associating and disassociating. While I’ve read about these before, I’ve never seen them treated so clearly and in this much detail. Once again, it comes with detailed workbook so you can actually do it and not just read about it.

Of course, the techniques for manipulating submodalities and emotional states serve a purpose, to motivate yourself, to overcome procrastination, to remove intense negative emotions and change them into neutral ones, to change cravings to disgust, and much more. 

He even shows how to use the swish pattern technique to change lifelong habits almost instantly, including how to move from hitting the snooze button and going right back to sleep to jumping out of bed with enthusiasm as soon as the alarm goes off. 

There’s more, including a detailed section on anchoring, both on setting anchors for desired states of mind, and on removing unwanted anchors, and another section on meaning. 

All in all, this is a very comprehensive program on mastering one’s mind, and anyone who does all the exercises can hardly help but feeling profoundly changed.

Any drawbacks? Master Your Mind, with its 364 pages, is really long for an ebook, and it’s been a bit of a pain to read on the small screen of my ibook, what with having to scroll up and down all the time. But it was so worth it that I didn’t mind anymore once I got into it. Besides, if you have a bigger screen, that shouldn’t be an issue anyway. And, of course, you can always print it out.

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